Pseudomonas stutzeri A1501, PST_0851

Cytoplasmic Membrane
Outer Membrane
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Gene Ontology

Ontology Accession Term GO Evidence Evidence Ontology (ECO) Code Reference Comments
Molecular Function GO:0003677 DNA binding
Inferred from Sequence Model
Term mapped from: InterPro:SSF46894
match to InterPro signature evidence used in automatic assertion
Biological Process GO:0006355 regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
Inferred from Sequence Model
Term mapped from: InterPro:SSF46894
match to InterPro signature evidence used in automatic assertion
Biological Process GO:0000160 phosphorelay signal transduction system
Inferred from Sequence Model
Term mapped from: InterPro:SM00448
match to InterPro signature evidence used in automatic assertion

Functional Classifications Manually Assigned by PseudoCAP

Functional Predictions from Interpro

Analysis Accession Description Interpro Accession Interpro Description Amino Acid Start Amino Acid Stop E-value
SUPERFAMILY SSF52172 CheY-like IPR011006 CheY-like superfamily 1 118 2.28E-36
SMART SM00448 REC_2 IPR001789 Signal transduction response regulator, receiver domain 1 112 3.9E-36
CDD cd19934 REC_OmpR_EcPhoP-like - - 3 119 2.10709E-66
PANTHER PTHR48111 REGULATOR OF RPOS IPR039420 Transcriptional regulatory protein WalR-like 1 217 1.8E-50
FunFam G3DSA: DNA-binding response regulator PhoP - - 1 80 6.1E-27
Gene3D G3DSA: - - - 1 80 1.1E-12
Gene3D G3DSA: - IPR036388 Winged helix-like DNA-binding domain superfamily 118 218 5.4E-28
SUPERFAMILY SSF46894 C-terminal effector domain of the bipartite response regulators IPR016032 Signal transduction response regulator, C-terminal effector 123 217 7.94E-26
Pfam PF00072 Response regulator receiver domain IPR001789 Signal transduction response regulator, receiver domain 4 112 2.0E-21
Gene3D G3DSA: - - - 81 117 1.2E-16
CDD cd00383 trans_reg_C IPR001867 OmpR/PhoB-type DNA-binding domain 133 217 4.49315E-31
SMART SM00862 Trans_reg_C_3 IPR001867 OmpR/PhoB-type DNA-binding domain 146 217 1.1E-25
Pfam PF00486 Transcriptional regulatory protein, C terminal IPR001867 OmpR/PhoB-type DNA-binding domain 146 217 3.5E-22

Search for additional functional domains at the NCBI CDD database website. Go to this protein's amino acid sequence and follow the link.