Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola 1448A, PSPPH_1424 (hopAK1)

Cytoplasmic Membrane
Outer Membrane
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Gene Ontology

Ontology Accession Term GO Evidence Evidence Ontology (ECO) Code Reference Comments
Molecular Function GO:0030570 pectate lyase activity
Inferred from Sequence Model
Term mapped from: InterPro:PTHR31683
match to InterPro signature evidence used in automatic assertion

Functional Classifications Manually Assigned by PseudoCAP

Functional Predictions from Interpro

Analysis Accession Description Interpro Accession Interpro Description Amino Acid Start Amino Acid Stop E-value
MobiDBLite mobidb-lite consensus disorder prediction - - 155 203 -
MobiDBLite mobidb-lite consensus disorder prediction - - 99 144 -
MobiDBLite mobidb-lite consensus disorder prediction - - 1 74 -
Pfam PF00544 Pectate lyase IPR002022 Pectate lyase 271 454 1.8E-32
Gene3D G3DSA: - IPR012334 Pectin lyase fold 221 524 5.4E-46
SUPERFAMILY SSF51126 Pectin lyase-like IPR011050 Pectin lyase fold/virulence factor 222 521 8.96E-52
SMART SM00656 amb_all IPR002022 Pectate lyase 237 460 7.4E-31
MobiDBLite mobidb-lite consensus disorder prediction - - 99 224 -
PANTHER PTHR31683 PECTATE LYASE 18-RELATED IPR045032 Pectin lyase family 221 464 1.0E-15

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